
Husband Drives 100 Km’s Before He Realises He ‘Forgot’ His Wife

October 27, 2023 10:35 am in by

In a Christmas day blunder for the ages, a husband in Thailand unintentionally left his wife behind and drove off into the night. Boontom Chaimoon, 55, made the embarrassing mistake of forgetting his wife, Amnuay Chaimoon, 49, after stopping to use the restroom during their road trip. Little did he know that his wife had also stepped out of the car to relieve herself in the nearby jungle.

It wasn’t until Boontom had driven a whopping 160 kilometres that he realised his wife was missing. Meanwhile, poor Amnuay found herself stranded without her phone and money, forced to trek 13 miles into the town of Kabin Buri in the middle of the night. Desperate for help, she pleaded with the police at a local station to assist her in finding her absent-minded husband.

To add to the unfortunate situation, Amnuay didn’t have her husband’s phone number memorised and couldn’t reach him despite calling her own phone 20 times. She stressed to the police that their relationship was harmonious, leaving no reason to suspect that her husband had intentionally abandoned her.

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Once Boontom finally realised his grave error, he retraced his steps to find the moment they had unknowingly separated. Filled with guilt, he raced back to reunite with Amnuay and offered a heartfelt apology. Luckily, Amnuay proved to be forgiving and understanding, allowing the couple to move past this bizarre incident.

Married for over 27 years and with a 26-year-old son, Boontom and Amnuay have weathered this strange ordeal together. However, this cautionary tale serves as a reminder for everyone to double-check the backseat before embarking on any journey, ensuring your loved ones don’t accidentally get left behind. Whether it’s a road trip or a quick drive to the store, always take a moment to avoid losing your spouse and prevent an unexpected adventure like Boontom’s.
