A plan is being devised for future flooding emergencies in Goolwa and the Mundoo Chanel.
A study commissioned by Alexandrina Council in 2021 found that the two areas are at most risk of coastal flooding, erosion and storm surge flooding as sea levels continue to rise.
A plan is now being drafted with community input that will outline the actions the community can take before, during and after a flood.
Residents are being encouraged to weigh in on the plan with a series of upcoming workshops at the Goolwa Centennary Hall on 8 February, 29 February, and 11 April.
The three sessions will cover different topics and will build on the information shared in previous sessions.
Registrations are essential and can be made at mysay.alexandrina.sa.gov.au/ca2024.
Video links for the workshops can be made available for interested persons who wish to observe, though they will not be broadcast as an interactive webinar.